Long weekend is finally here

This upcoming weekend is a long weekend and I am very excited about it; I want it to go slow and steady because I have some great plans. I will be visiting Chicago to see my cousins and then go out for retail therapy. I know time is short but hey that’s life, so enjoy to the fullest.

As my hubby is taking a trip with his best friends, I am taking this trip with my parents (after a very long time), that’s why its more exciting. When I was young, I used to take trips with them all the time but not since I got married, it’s definitely hard but it’s not impossible. For the past few years, I never made time for my parents but this year my goal is to make more time for them (as they did for me when I was little).

As we are growing up, we need less of our parents and they eventually let us go and then we start our own family and move on, and we don’t look back often. Remember the time when you wanted a doll which was expensive (and you couldn’t live without), and they would get you; remember when they would pay for your undergrad or for the prom dress; remember when they fulfilled all your needs and didn’t ask for a penny back. Then how come we don’t do the same? I mean, we are who we are — because of them.

Back to my point, how come we don’t take them for shopping or fulfill their needs, pay for something they want to do, or send them away for a vacation, by the time we realize its too late and we end up regretting, and I hate regretting. So my goal is to spend more time with my parents and in-laws, I know they can be pain sometimes but they mean no harm, and they only want love.

So when I told my parents I would like to join them for their trip, they were amazed and excited, and I think it was my best decision in the month of June. Hope all goes well and we have a great time together Amen. Plus, Outlet malls attracted me as well to de-stress from my own busy life, a best therapeutic session EVER, but will cost me a bit.

So I wish everyone a great long weekend and will update you when I get back. Ciao!

Guacamole is yummm

I learnt a new recipe last month, and my husband and I have been making it every weekend and eating it while watching movies. So here it is:

– 2 Avocados peeled (make sure it was in room temperature or else it wont blend well enough)

– 1 small tomato chopped (smaller the pieces, the better it blends)

– ½ onion chopped (smaller the pieces, the better it blends)

– 1 tsp salt

– 1 pinch of pepper

– 1 pinch of cumin powder or seeds

– ½ a lime squeezed, can go up to 1 full lime if you want

Mix it all well and ta-da its ready. Serve it with tortillas.

It is so easy to make and is really filling. Let me know how yours turn out!

CFA Exam Day (Part 3)

Part 3
Keep in mind, my marks are out end of July.

Steps to take for future

– Read all the Schweser study materials; go through it twice for sure, they are clear and concise; if you do not understand them, go through it again. If you still dont get it, go to the CFAI curriculum, find which study session it is and read from there. Dont get me wrong, CFAI books are very detailed and if you can go through those books twice, you are a rock star! but in the real world, people who have a family, work full time, and is always running around have no time for that.

– Please note you own these notes/books, so go ahead and use the highlighter, sticky notes, pen or pencil to make notes on the side. I have no idea why people dont make use of that.

– Make notes for readings you are not strong in and ASK QUESTIONS for what you don’t get. Schweser provides discussion forums and I always like reading those because they are helpful, if you are paying for it, then use it.

– Go through all the Schweser videos if time permits – they were helpful but I would not say they are a must, more like ‘nice to have.’

– Complete all the End of Chapter questions from CFAI books – IMPORTANT. And if time, go through the examples in the CFAI books, they are very helpful.

– Do Qbanks, only the intermediate/advanced level – this will improve your speed and tell what your strength and weaknesses are.

– Complete the CFAI Mock exams.

– Lastly, complete the Schweser Mock exams.

Did I follow this routine in June 2012? Somewhat… not really, but its my true opinion that if I had then I would have aced it for sure and I would have felt good after the exam. Anyways, if God forbids I fail (cross my fingers that Ii dont)  I will follow this schedule for December 2012.  

Good Luck to all the candidates!!!

CFA Exam Day (Part 2)

Part 2
Things to remember for the EXAM DAY

– Arrive early in order to beat the rush.

– Don’t question anyone about the materials or even about the exam questions; try to get your mind off the exam and talk about something else.

– Do not take Tylenol/Advil 500, take the pill with less mg – I did, and I didn’t feel too good in the PM exam.

– Sleep on time, and keep the schedule same for the week so you are awake on the exam day.

– Bring a sweater and wear socks, since it gets cold in there (they usually blast the AC).

– Bring HB pencil, eraser, calculator and a pen, rest they take it away so leave them in the car.

– Bring less stuff because everything goes in another hall so it’s not really safe there.

– Don’t bring any notes because it’s no point, either you know it or you don’t.

– Bring food, i.e. fruits, sandwich, water since it’s so expensive there (true…)

– If possible, drive in so everything can be left in the car and it’s safe.

Part 3 coming up…

CFA Exam Day (Part 1)

I know it’s been three weeks since the exam day and I should have provided an update but we were told not to share questions and information about the exam and since I am a candidate, it definitely applies to me. But then I thought to myself at least I could share my experience of how I felt and what I could do to prepare myself in the future. I definitely owed to you guys for being such a loyal reader.

Exam Day

I slept (June 1st) at 9pm and got up at 5:30 AM, took shower and arrived at the location by 7:30 am, my coach (hubby) had some breakfast stuff ready then gave me a quiz but I was too nervous to do it so I looked through the answers quickly. It was June but it was cold, thank god I brought a sweater with me because I ended up wearing the whole time (even the exam room was cold).

For breakfast I ate a bagel with butter and venti earl grey tea. For lunch, I had two small egg salad sandwich plus fruit, which filled me up. At the end, I realized, it’s not as hard people make it seem, if you know the stuff, you can definitely ace it, go through all the stuff and you should be fine. Its not like they are out to get you, the questions seemed fair.

Stay tuned for Part 2…

Jinxing exists…

This past year I have been through a lot and I have started to believe in “jinx’ing” which I know is all in my head but you have to admit that’ its true. You should always be careful of people around you, and always be thankful of people who have helped you in any way.

I always kept friends who studied in different streams and or had different careers as me, so you don’t end up competing against each other; instead you help them in every way and vice versa. I find (especially girls) get very competitive and it gets to me sometimes.

I share things with my best friends but sometimes I forget my limit because then I get sentences about being not thankful enough. So for example, I didn’t tell a lot of people I am writing my CFA exam, not because I am scared of being jinxed, but I would rather tell them when I am done. I don’t mind sharing my experiences but at least let me get through it first (its already nervous wrecking lol).

The new trend is, stay down low or else people envy and can jinx you. Besides everyone keep a lot in themselves, but I never once questioned them of not sharing it i.e. my best friend got a new job and announced a month after starting the job. I can definitely understand because twice I had landed a job and I told everyone and the company cancelled on me when I went in to sign the papers, that’s hurtful.

Also, one of my best friends was getting married and everything was going PERFECT and they were one of the best couples I know with a great chemistry and guess what, the wedding was called off two days before the wedding. We were devastated and I believe they got jinxed because there was nothing fishy about them, they were perfect!

The point is, you do not have to share till you have succeeded; it’s just an advice but do what your heart tells you.

Finally Flaherty takes charge and tightens Mortgages rules

 New rules announced in Ottawa Thursday mean first-time house hunters who have been approved for mortgages will require higher down payments and will get a lower mortgage-approval rating. This is the fourth time the federal government has tightened mortgage rules since 2008.  (Source 1)

 Finance Minister Jim Flaherty cuts the mortgage amortization period to 25 years from 30 and limited refinancing loans to 80 per cent of a home’s value from the current 85 per cent. (Source 1)

 Those are not the only changes the government is making. It will no longer be in the business of insuring homes that are worth more than $1 million — meaning buyers will need to put up at least a 20 per cent down payment or seek private insurance. (Source 2)

 The changes go into effect July 9.

 CIBC deputy chief economist Benjamin Tal said he wondered about the timing of the announcement, given house prices are already receding. He estimated it could reduce new sales on homes by between three and five per cent. That’s not an insignificant hit to a fragile economy that’s been riding the coattails of a strong housing and building boom, which supports construction activity and jobs. (Source 2)

 My Opinion

 Toronto real estate is still hot, and the prices are still inclining. I am glad Flaherty is taking charge and tightening the rules (we knew it was coming). This will soften the housing market and hopefully not crash especially the condo market (i am worried about). As mentioned in an earlier post, the debt-to-income ratio is an all-time high of 152% in Q4/11 and about 72% Canadians are in some form of debt however, making extra payments to bring down the balances. Now, does this mean Bank of Canada will not change the interest rates for a while? Let me know what you think!

 (Source 1)

Title: Young buyers worry they’ll be stuck at parents’ place; Written by: Katherine Dow
Source: http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/business/young-buyers-worry-theyll-be-stuck-at-parents-place-159983265.html

(Source 2)

Title: Getting Canada’s house in order; Written by: Julian Beltrame
Source: http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/getting-canadas-house-in-order-159983615.html

Interesting blogs…(Part 1)

Lately I have been reading blogs and learning new things here and there. I am amazed that there are so many talented people out there with some great advices and thoughts to share. I definitely salute the ones who update their blogs on a daily basis (a pat on the back for sure). I mean I always have things to say/share but no time to write, and people do it so wonderfully.

 One of the blogs that I read on a daily basis is by Miss Natalie and the blog is focused on make-up reviews, tutorials, swatches and beauty discussion (which I love love and love to read). She expresses her true and honest opinion with pictures. She provides pictures of the items she reviews plus how it looks on her skin, and then she lists pros and cons. Good Job Natalie!

 So if you have time, check the link below:


If you know any good blogs, please share!