A new life inside me – Part 8

I am grabbing my new purse today from Holt Renfrew which I bought on my birthday since it was on back order. I am very excited but something doesn’t feel right today.

In terms of health, I am way more tired and sleepy. I was proof-reading articles at work and was about to fall asleep, plus had a mild headache so went out to rest a bit. I quit tea because it’s giving me heart burns and coffee tastes yucky. I don’t get any caffeine anymore and that’s why I am sleepy. My sleeping patterns are out of whack, I get up in the middle of the night and don’t go to sleep for a while and sometimes it feels like I didn’t sleep at all. One of my co-workers told me that she went through the same thing, this basically means I need a vacation, will definitely think about that.

Alright, junior is getting freaking hungry, so ciao for now.