Dump it or Pump it – Part 5

Origins – Super Spot Remover Acne treatment Gel

I have minor acne on my face and sometimes the pimples can be painful. I usually get a prescribed tropical medicine from the doctor called Solugel 8 which is really strong. It dries the pimple the next day but that area gets dark in a day or two and darker when I go under the sun. It ruins my pillow covers or the shirts that touches that cream, usually happens with a tropical medicine. And it tickles a lot when it’s first put on a new pimple, then the burning feeling goes away in 5-10 minutes. I wanted to try a safer product because the dark marks were not going away that easy and I thought my skin was taking a traumatic experience. I decided to try Origins Super Spot Remover Acne treatment Gel from Sephora. It’s a gel based product in a very small green bottle, and is approximately $18. I felt it was pricey but you only need a little to work. 

I put it on my pimples on a daily basis and the bottle finished in two months. The reason I tried this is, I have tried two more products from Origins (Origins Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Mask and Zero Oil Deep Pore Cleanser); both exceeded my expectations so I was pretty confident about this product. Again everyone is different but if you are not sure, you can always grab a sample from Sephora or Shoppers Drug mart. My pimples diminishes in a day or two and my acne is in control since I have been using Origins products, I definitely recommend this product people with acne as its more effective. Keep in mind, this is all my opinion and I have not been paid to blog about it.

Origins – Super Spot Remover Acne treatment Gel

Origins – Super Spot Remover Acne treatment Gel

Don’t waste this product by putting it everywhere, you only need little bit to put on the spot and keep putting it every day till it dies down, it doesn’t even leave any marks on the pillow and you can put in a way that it can hide beneath the make-up, I sometimes put it twice a day, but I know once a day is more than enough. Hope my two cents helped you all, if you have any questions, please let me know.

Final Verdict: PUMP IT!

ACNE is (sort of) like a CURSE… (Part 3)

 I finally got my Vitamin C cream from Dermaceutic Representative which I had been waiting for a month now. Remember, it was missing from the box I received and finally they sent in. I have completed three Peel treatments and waiting for 2 more before I contact the company. These days I have been youtube’ing as to people’s skin care routine and have found great reviews on dermalogica, Murad and Proactive. As you know I did try Proactive and it cleared my skin but cystic acne had begun. I want to try Murad but it’s known to be Proactive’s sibling since it has the same “active” ingredients. So, my next product to try will be dermalogica (from London); it has its own app in the iphone and I haven’t seen a bad review yet. My partner says, I haven’t looked enough, typical men.

I recently finished my antibiotic minocycline and thank god I did because I was itchy all over my body due to that medicine. I didn’t sleep few nights because I itched all night and scratched so bad that I bled. I used Gold bond cream, powder, fuciden and medicated soaps and aghhh the itch wouldn’t go away. However, one thing worked called Aerius (allergy medication), I got my sleep back.

My face looks a bit better today and the pimples are calm and my face is less reddish. I am hoping for the best but one never knows. I have my fingers crossed!!!

ACNE is (sort of) like a CURSE… (Part 2)

Let me show how much money I spent on my skin in 2011:

  Skin Related Costs  


  Wash, Cream, Gel


  Make up removing cloth




PCA Products – 6 Treatments  
  3 Microdermabrasion, 3 Oxygen facials




Make up removing cloth




PCA Products  
  Included (Wash, Cream, Acne for spot, pigment get, serum)


  Acne spot cream – bought again bc finished




Make up removing cloth




Make up removing cloth




Make up removing cloth




Dermaceutic Treatment  
  1st Product Kit – free


  Guarantee – to clear the marks and pimples




Make up removing cloth




DermaceuticFoamWash- bought bc finished




Dermaceutic Mask – bought bc finished




Make up removing cloth








Antibiotic Minocyclin




Dermaceutic Milk Treatment kit – free


  Yellow Cream for pigments – 2 sample free


  Total Spent on Skin related Issues



 Some of you might think I am a crazy woman spending so much money, and some might know exactly where I am coming from. I am just an average person and I cannot just sit there and do nothing, so I am trying to use all my resources.

 It is January 2012 and I am still going through few pimples but I am trying to stay positive. Of course I am tired of this, I seriously am. One of my friends came over during the winter break and I didn’t have make up, she got really scared and asked if everything was okay with me. My self-esteem just went flat to below zero because it was hurtful. I am a happy-go-lucky person but a thing like this brings one down time to time.

Forgot one more thing – through my extensive research, I also learnt about Tanda and decided to buy it from Shoppers Drug Mart, it works but I have only used it couple of times. I will provide a detailed blog on Tanda later.

 When will my face clear up? I don’t know. When will I stop using Dermaceutic? I am giving them one more month which means 4 more treatments (once a week); if it doesn’t work, I am definitely stopping everything and may consider Accutane. I am still waiting for the Vitamin C cream lol. I will remind them today.

 Stay tuned for Part 3…

ACNE is (sort of) like a CURSE… (Part 1)

My acne is not getting any better and it’s officially been two years. Throughout the two years, acne had some ups and downs but not wiped out yet. Keep in mind, I never had acne in my teen years therefore this would be called Adult acne.

 As I mentioned in my earlier posts, I decided to cure and get rid of my acne in December 2010 by taking the initiative of using PROACTIVE. I used it religiously therefore face started clearing up in the third month; however, I could feel the pimples inside the skin but not on the upper layer. When I researched, this type of acne is known as cystic acne. My marks were not lightening, so I consulted skin specialist at ‘THE SPA’ (not naming the Spa till the end of my treatment).

 After meeting the owner (whom I knew very well) recommended Dermabrasion and oxygen treatment to clear up the marks and the 6 treatments cost about $500 and I signed up. I felt my skin was fresh and smooth in two treatments; she recommended it will work faster if I start the PCA products, which I did in May 2011. In the first month, more pimples started and eventually got better beginning of July. On top, I was getting micro-dermabrasion to get rid of the marks and now to get rid of any upcoming pimples (which was not working). So I complained after 5 treatments and they suggested to buy more treatments and said “3-4 treatments will do nothing,” but then why was I promised that I will, why wasn’t I told before? I told her I was very unhappy about this.

 In August, I went to a dermatologist (no names being mentioned), who suggested my acne is getting vulgar and he suggested going on Accutane but I did not want to. In September, I went back to ‘THE SPA’ and the skin Specialist suggested DERMACEUTIC products which she promised by so I started in September 2011. I paid $700 for treatments and the deal was, she will continue the treatment til the face clears up (SPA’s Promise). The first free kit included face wash, Hyal Ceutic Cream, and a Mask product. I am taking pictures to see the difference on a monthly basis and by November I complained again since my marks had increased.

 Then, the skin specialist recommended to detox (in order to get rid of all the toxins) which I did. And she also suggested getting my blood test done and that came out normal except I am low in Vitamin D (which a lot of people are). I went to the dermatologist and asked if there is any antibiotic I could have, and he gave Minocycline (100 mg) for twice a day for one month which I am currently taking. Now, the pimples were dying down but would still come two days before the period (which I can live with).

 In December 2011, DERMACEUTIC Company Representative met with me and suggested to take one stronger product of the same company. She offered the kit (same Former wash, hyal ceutic cream, turnover cream and extra vitamin C cream which was missing when I got the box) for free and gave the stronger treatment box to the specialist to use it on me.  The rep will use my pictures for future reference since I was keeping track. So I began the stronger products in the last week of December.

Stay tuned for Part 2…