New Years Resolution ‘2013

I have been working on my new year’s resolution since last month and finalized it the first week of January (phewwww ). One of my resolutions is — to loose weight. Surprisingly, I have gained about 20 pounds since last January and I really want to drop those pounds. I know what you all are thinking; a lot of people make the same resolution and usually forget in few months into the year. But I am serious when I say I want to loose weight, I am definitely not joking.

As I recall from high school, our goals have to be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timed. So, let’s write it out in that manner:

SPECIFIC I want to loose weight
MEASURABLE I want to loose 30 pounds
ACHIEVABLE I want to loose 30 pounds by regular exercising and proper diet
REALISTIC I will exercise 3-5 times a week and cut down junk food
TIMED I want to loose 30 pounds in 3 months

I ate well but had no activities in the past year that could keep me in good shape, so I had to research as to what will I do to loose it? I want to do this because health should be our number one priority, no matter what. I did not want to join a gym because of high fees and commitment of a year (at least); plus, we have one car and my partner comes late from work so it would not really work for me.

Then I thought of buying a DVD set so I could work out at home, i.e.,‘Insanity’ and ‘P90x’ came to my mind, but when I saw their YouTube videos, it looks hard (but not impossible) for me to do, especially 1 hour 6 times a week.

After a lot of research I decided to purchase ‘The Firm Express’ from Costco (for an amazing deal of $58.99). The phrases just jumped at me, “Get thin in 30 days” /“20 minutes only 3 times a week.” Now what more would I want? I know there are a lot of scams out there but I researched about this program before I made the purchase. So if you would like to learn more about the program and how I am progressing, stay tuned!