A new life inside me – Part 8

I am grabbing my new purse today from Holt Renfrew which I bought on my birthday since it was on back order. I am very excited but something doesn’t feel right today.

In terms of health, I am way more tired and sleepy. I was proof-reading articles at work and was about to fall asleep, plus had a mild headache so went out to rest a bit. I quit tea because it’s giving me heart burns and coffee tastes yucky. I don’t get any caffeine anymore and that’s why I am sleepy. My sleeping patterns are out of whack, I get up in the middle of the night and don’t go to sleep for a while and sometimes it feels like I didn’t sleep at all. One of my co-workers told me that she went through the same thing, this basically means I need a vacation, will definitely think about that.

Alright, junior is getting freaking hungry, so ciao for now.

A new life inside me – Part 7

Yesterday was my ultrasound appointment and it took about 1.5 hours at the office. My ultrasound lady is a very nice woman, she even game me a picture, junior is about 2.6 cm, awwwwww. Now, the next appointment is next month and that will be an official first prenatal appt. I wonder what happens at that appoitment but I know it’s supposed to be 1 hour and I have to come with a full bladder. Everything was fine except my bum hurts and I have to put an ointment on it. I am not showing still but I think my face is getting fuller.

When I got home, I was extremely tired so I slept for few hours and rested and couldn’t clean the house, feel kinda bad but oh well got to take care of myself as well.

Also I heard that my husband will be getting a cut for 20K AGAIN this year, it really pissed me off, he already got one few months ago and now again. I hope it works out well for him.

A new life inside me – Part 6

Happy Birthday to me!!! My husband surprised me this morning with a birthday card on my side table with a long note of the things he looks forward in 2014. When I came to work, I got a bunch of roses delivered to my work that brought a tear in my eye, I was a bit embarrassed to receive them I don’t know why but your heart seems to beat fast or maybe junior got real excited that shifted my hormones all over the place.

I am very lucky to receive calls/texts/voice mails/flowers on my birthday, so sweet of everyone to remember and wish me to make me feel special, I am very blessed, thank you God. Birthdays are amazing; Hubby has asked me to meet him core downtown so let’s see what he has planned out for me.

A new life inside me – Part 5

Yesterday I felt so dizzy and my heart was beating fast yikes! I am always worried and scared, I know I should just relax and let things go but I can’t seem to. I hope the baby is doing well inside; I went home last night ate a sandwich and went to bed. However, I was up from 12-2am and then went back to bed and it was 7am (time to get ready).

Over the weekend my niece and nephew came over but in three hours I was exhausted with them, the stairs caused my heart to skip a beat, and I kept panting like a dog. Anyways, it’s an important week for me because my birthday is coming up and I will be turning 28. My three year old niece said to me that she does not know when number 28 comes which means its probably a really big number. Honestly, I always wanted to grow up quicker but now I am not too fond of that anymore.

I met other couples on Sunday at Il Fornellos and then headed to the beach for a walk and it was relaxing. Dizziness is something I am experiencing this week and anything that smells different than usual. Also, whenever I sit down (in the GO train or my chair at work) my tummy tends to just stick out, it doesn’t show when I am walking but only when sitting, maybe I am bit bloated.

A new life inside me – Part 3

I was just curious researching on “baby” things and I came across the Chinese Gender Calculator, I don’t know how much of it is true but says that’s its 99% accurate but is it really? I wonder. The gender calculator said I am having a girl. We will figure out in about 4 months if the gender calculator was right or not.

I have 1 niece and 2 nephews and they mean the world to me and bring a smile on my face whenever I see them. I wonder that happiness increases even more when you see your own kid. Few questions keep popping up in my head and I thought why not just share them with you. When will I announce my new to family? When will I tell my boss? Who am I sharing this info with first? Blah blah blah…

Thank God I have been feeling better the last two days as I was feeling very queasy. The trick is to keep snacking every 2 hours so your tummy keeps on digesting stuff. I feel there is a digesting machine which is on 24/7 now, so when it has nothing to chop and grind, it starts making noise and starts taking other stuff around it and that makes you feel sick, totally my theory don’t know how I came up with it haha.

I am eating everything but if I stare at any food for too long then I don’t want it, a bad habit that I can’t explain. Anyways, my nose is stronger than ever, I can detect things by smelling, and some things are just unbearable to smell i.e., nail polish, nail polish remover, cooking chicken, cleaning cabinets, washroom aghhhhh, brings lot of wrinkles on my face and now my hubby makes fun of it.

Am I craving anything? No not really. I do realize that when I get mad, I get MAD… it feels like Junior is mad as well lol, so the heart beat is sky rocketing. I am also concerned if anyone can notice anything, hopefully not. I have a get-together tomorrow and Sunday afternoon and kind of worried about that, hope I am all cool, you know what I mean. I am also happy that the weekend is here and I will get to see my niece and nephews. Ciao for now!

A new life inside me – Part 2

The three months flew by quick; I have been keeping myself busy or sleeping too much. I am so tired; the truth is I am tired all the time and apparently it’s a normal thing. I loved the salty stuff last week and sweet stuff this week. I am feeling a bit nauseas but haven’t vomited yet (knock on wood), and I am definitely not interested in jinxing it. I try to eat smaller meals plus drink water with lemon in it. I can’t seem to cook chicken these days either, yuck yuck and yuck (I am sorry God for saying this) but my nose has a strong smell to everything.

I quit tea couple of weeks ago because it gave me heart burn and if I make chai at home, it keeps me up all night. So the caffeine really hits me where it never bothered me before. Acid reflux is high so snacking continuously is very important. Last but not the least, constipation, all I have to say WTF! Its painful and hard, really not nice… I think the word scares the heck out of me, gives me nightmare, okay not that bad. Since I have so much to worry about I don’t care about the little things anymore or maybe I am just giving up lol… Am I doing the right thing? I don’t know but that’s how I feel.

A new chapter of a new life inside me – Part 1

I wanted to write on this for a while now. It was such a stressful day for me. I went in for my first doctor’s appointment where they checked out the new life inside me, I was so nervous because it was my first time. I still remember the day I heard my news, “congrats S, your pregnant…” that sentence always whispers in my ear and brings a tear;  I am sure the IPhone left a mark because I wanted the nurse to repeat few more times to believe it.

When I went in, nurse had asked me to have a full bladder in order to scan the top and I saw her worried face which worried me even more, she was a beautiful Russian lady with such cold hands that I shivered when she touched me. After I had to go pee and she did an inside scan (ouchieee), asked if I was allergic to latex and went right ahead, oh my it hurts!!! After few minutes she showed us the few millimeter bean which was beating at a rate of 119 bpm, when she scanned it further, I got scared because this small life was beating so hard and I could see him/her moving fast.

Then the doctor met with us, asked us if we had any questions and after the good news given we went home. I felt a relief because I was up all night worrying about this appointment.

When we finally told our parents they started crying like a baby with all their heart, and to tell you the truth it was one of the moments that I had dreamt of for the last two years, and sharing this news was an important event in my life. Watching them so happy felt like a burden had lifted off my chest.

Dump it or Pump it – Part 6

Squeaky Clean Exfoliating Face and Body Mitt


I purchased this mitt from Sephora for $7 and use daily during shower. One side is cotton material and the other side is a rough cloth material that functions as an exfoliator. You wear it on your hand and the thumb sticks out, pour body wash/gel on the mitt and scrub away. At the end, I rinse it with water and hang in the shower area. I have been using it for three months now and still working well.


– Not too harsh
– Inexpensive
– Cleans well


– None

Final Verdict: Pump it!

A great feeling (Part 3)…

This will be the last post on how to have a great feeling on a daily basis. Keep in mind, I read all the points on a daily basis and yes they have made a difference in my life and its no joke or scam. It worked on me, then it should help someone else too. So my last points are in regards to life, so here it is:


22. Put GOD first in anything and everything that you think, say and do.
23. Remember GOD heals everything
24. Do the right things and be fair as much as possible.
25. However good or bad a situation is, it will change
26. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
27. The best is yet to come
28. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful
29. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it
30. If you know GOD you will always be happy.

So, dont worry and be happy!